

a journey within an alien planet

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The World
of Soline

About Soline

Soline is the second planet to orbit the small red star Ross 508. Because of its proximity to the star, its rotation has become synchronised, freezing its hemispheres into two huge deserts: one frozen in darkness for eternity, the other charred by the red dwarf's radiation.
After billions of years of evolution, life has finally found its way onto the thin strip of land that runs along the equator in a perpetual dawn.

A little angry dwarf

The star around which Soline orbits is a red dwarf, light enough to live for a hundred billion years, massive enough to produce a thermonuclear glow in the vacuum of space. Since the system's creation, the plasma eddies that tear at its heart have created gigantic storms on its surface, irradiating its planets with radioactive rain.

Ross 508B «Soline»


  • Identification Soline
  • Physical characteristics
  • Planetary type téllurique
  • Diameter 7310km
  • Gravity 6.3m.s-²
  • Orbital characteristics
  • Orbite 10 jours
  • Mean orbit 8.02 millions de km
  • perigee 8.00 millions de km
  • Apogee 8.12 millions de km
  • Eccentricity 0.33
  • Axial tilt 87.4°
  • Atmospheric characteristics
  • Min. surface temp -150°C
  • Mean. surface temp 3°C
  • Max. surface temp 220°C
  • Surface pressure 1.477 Atm.
  • Atmosphere N2 ■ O2 ■ CO2 ■ H2S ■ Ne

Lat: 87.4° | Lng: 5°

Wind. 55km/h

Temp. 180°C

The day pole is a charred zone.
No lifeform detected.

Lat: 45° | Lng: 10.5°

Wind. 105km/h

Temp. 65°C

It is possible that as yet unknown extremophilous species live at the foot of black smokers on north of Natron Lakes.

Lat: 0° | Lng: 2.5°

Wind. 85km/h

Temp. 10°C

All the richness of Soline's ecosystem is concentrated in the 10 kilometers that border its equator.

Lat: -45.4° | Lng: 52.5°

Wind. 115km/h

Temp. -82°C

Here, water is rock and carbon dioxide is snow, which only Damasiodes and certain ice worms can cope with.

Lat: -90° | Lng: 4.5°

Wind. 205km/h

Temp. -140°C

The Night Pole is a frozen hell plunged into endless storm and darkness.

Ross508 G class red dwarf

Mass. 0.22 Mo

Name Ross 508

G class star. Ross 508 is a 13th magnitude red dwarf star located at 11 parsecs away of Sol.

Ross 508a / teluric

Mass. 0.43 Eo

Name Créac'h

No lifeform detected. Orbiting less than a million kilometers from the dwarf, this planet is a charred world.

Ross 508b / teluric

Mass. 0.70 Eo

Name Soline

Soline is located in the habitable zone, but its rotation is synchronized with the star. Only a thin ring along the equator is home to life. Soline has two small moons.

Ross 508c / gazeous

Mass. 12 Eo

Name Kéréon

Kéréon is a gazeous planet with nine moons, one of which has an underground ocean. It's a totally frozen world.

The people of Soline

Trapped between the furnace of the illuminated hemisphere and the cliffs of dry ice, Soline's people share a few kilometers of equator under the low-angled light of a small red star.

20 kilometers wide

There is no night and no day on the planet's surface. Here, cold and heat are carried by furious winds, and in the midst of storms and permanent twilight, evolution has carved out extraordinary forms of life, where the perfection of survival mechanisms is matched only by the hostility of their world.

Murranide des sables

Southern shores of Natron Lakes

Adult size
7 meters
Southern shores of Natron Lakes
Ross 508 b
30 years

Geoloc will close this window

Lat: 5.55°
Lng: 52.445°

Life is short for Soline's Damasiode. Barely born, she begins her journey to the cold, braving the raging winds of the night hemisphere that turn water into sharp rocks and dioxide into streams. Upon reaching her destination, the Damasiode fertilizes her eggs and buries them in the dry ice. Many years after its death, the wind will carry its offspring to the temperate zones of the equator.

At this time, the Damasiode cemetery has still not been discovered.

data sample n°1478.22588T









Last update 25.03.2054

special order 937

Explore the planet

There are no days and nights on Soline. If you set out to explore it, beware of the furious, relentless winds, whether icy or scorching, the storms of the Red Dwarf and the fangs of the Ice Worm. And don't forget your rank here below. On Soline, you are the insignificant creature that roams the Twilight Steppe. You are the prey of the Skern, the last companion of a dying Arkelite or the future cocoon of a Damasiode. You are the infinitesimal organic signature of a distant world. You are an epiphenomenon in the life of a star.

52.69° - 49.23°

93.55° - 45.64°

208.94° - 262.38°

150.03° - 261.39°

69.61° - 322.79°

163.27° - 224.37°

89.66° - 288.3°

287.14° - 292.85°

282.22° - 31.69°

167.28° - 321.26°

120.56° - 295.82°

19.76° - 302.94°

2.34° - 223.54°

124.6° - 149.68°

295.32° - 64.95°

262.19° - 176.49°

0.2° - 71.31°

193.62° - 101.35°

236.65° - 41.67°

257.82° - 44.48°

210.96° - 309.22°

345.48° - 331.08°

105.88° - 21.43°

112.05° - 157.27°

17.78° - 261.47°

212.68° - 129.97°

319.85° - 343.12°

300.25° - 43.63°

175.73° - 333.8°

203.89° - 148.11°

73.87° - 281.42°

34.11° - 102.19°

206° - 90.39°

335.04° - 354.13°

296.53° - 159.87°

302.46° - 111.1°

89.07° - 15.3°

12.3° - 160.12°

107.13° - 192.61°

107.3° - 305.25°

136.53° - 50.92°

113.9° - 145.47°

149.67° - 346.6°

19.51° - 186.68°

241.98° - 223.34°

105.07° - 319.02°

267.01° - 258.95°

6.26° - 350.84°

337.12° - 7.98°

292.75° - 300.09°

181.91° - 167.23°

321.44° - 304.86°

38.56° - 23.24°

211.7° - 258.22°

316.8° - 4.47°

157.13° - 261.97°

173.16° - 334.35°

274.87° - 265.18°

48.07° - 15.28°

95.86° - 193.59°

246.29° - 30.94°

93.06° - 144.24°

222.96° - 16.98°

158.45° - 122.81°

111.89° - 120.8°

178.2° - 160.33°

259.66° - 309.29°

110.59° - 95.22°

15.51° - 186.83°

50.65° - 261.21°

206.22° - 189.5°

85.82° - 85.67°

32.73° - 170.84°

171.9° - 99.88°

255.98° - 63.84°

339.53° - 321.57°

307.58° - 94.44°

106.12° - 124.55°

120.84° - 143.09°

243.36° - 17.09°

250.35° - 290.8°

129.47° - 51.67°

184.47° - 336.75°

117.81° - 171.39°

3.66° - 177.08°

133.25° - 96.04°

232.91° - 165.5°

247.4° - 109.38°

346.28° - 24.69°

337.33° - 276.3°

161.31° - 257.58°

99.46° - 192.68°

301.87° - 100.68°

283.77° - 172.12°

245.3° - 104.47°

253.73° - 75.11°

319.29° - 285.96°

347.17° - 271.81°

160.15° - 342.86°

351.41° - 139.34°

Encelades mountain range

In the middle of the desert, this rocky land is totally inhabited.

The Wind Cliffs

The Wind Cliffs form a long wall of limestone rock

Sklérinids area

Sklerinids are troglodyte larvae that sleep at the foot of windy cliffs.

Sörn Forest

It borders the Mornes Plaines. Some of its trees are lacerated with deep, strange scratches, unless they are runes...

Natron Lakes

on the edge of uninhabitable areas, natron lakes are home to the extremophile Soline people

Ortale Plain

One of Soline's few hospital zones, fiercely defended by the Tamarind people.

The Bleak Plains

Soline's largest equatorial plain.

Crater ice floe

South of Crater, the lake freezes and forms an ice pack several hundred metres thick at its extremity.

Red Forest

Red trees as far as the eye can see. Here, the dwarf's rays have transformed the flora and changed the color of its chlorophylle.

Rhea Marshes

Shrouded in mist and mystery, Rhea is home to several Golmores and the Bullotes people.

The Brown Coasts

To the north of the crater lies the rim of a caldera striated for hundreds of kilometers by concentric faults.

Crater Lake

A vast sea digged by an unknown event a long, long time ago...

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About the project

"The World of Soline" is a personal project combining exobiology, creature design and creative developement.

Based on the latest scientific discoveries in the field of exoplanets and the search for extraterrestrial life, I began to develop this project of a realistic star system where intelligent life forms could have been born. Then, on the assumption that evolution could have created absolutely anything we could imagine out of the infinite number of worlds around us, I decided to think less and draw more.

The illustrations are all done with a WACOM graphic tablet, then cyanographed on watercolour paper during the summer. The interactive planet is a JS/WebGL creation.

About me

My name is Stéphane, I'm a french developer, webdesigner and illustrator.

Feel free to contact me at stephane.mill@proton.me or from my website Nividic-Studio.net

